Archive for contest diamonds pendant win prize

Diamonds Treasure Hunt – May 2008

Posted in Treasure Hunt with tags on May 10, 2008 by Paula

Ahhh, May.  Yes, a time when the days are cooler Down Under and when Mother’s Day is upon us.  But did you also know May is National Family Reading Month, Autism Awareness and Jelly Baby Month?  In the northern hemisphere, the end of winter is celebrated with May Day and a traditional dance around the maypole.

And now onto those clues for that gorgeous diamond pendant valued at US$350 in our Diamonds Down Under treasure hunt:

Clue 1: What career did Holly originally want to pursue in Boardrooms & A Billionaire Heir? 

Clue 2: What is the English translation of Paula’s first German book? (Hint: you’ll find the answer on Paula’s website)

DON’T POST THE ANSWERS HERE. Collect them, save them, and when you have the answers to all twelve questions in June/July, send them to the contest email address. More details can be found on the Diamonds Down Under contest page. If you missed the other clues, you’ll find them all sorted under the Categories link on the right.   GOOD LUCK!